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Service Projects
Missy is the brains behind our wonderful service projects.  Thanks for so many good ideas and so much work, Missy! 

Mental Health Awareness Crafts



For the first service learning project, the tweens helped a local charity prepare for their fundraiser.  The charity promoted mental health awareness. 


First, the kids learned a little about mental health, and being sad or scared for extended periods of time.  They learned that when people are in trouble, police officers and firemen are often the first to respond to help them out. 


Then, the kids participated in a meditation exercise to clear their thoughts and calm their emotions.  We talked about how this technique could be used any time they felt like their emotions were in control, and that it would work much of the times, but not all of the time. 


Next, the kids cut out laminated minds that had donation amounts on them.  At the fundraiser event, each donor would select a donation amount (from $1-200).  The donations totaled just over $20,000.  (200x (1+200)/2) = 20,100). 


Finally, the kids had fun playing in the park while the parents got to hang out. 

Cards for Sick Kids


We talked about what it would be like to be sick and in the hospital on a holiday or  special date.  We went around the room and talked about what everyone's favorite holiday was and why. 


We had a couple of bonus cultural lessons.  First, kids picked holidays from all over the world, so we got to learn about these different holidays.  Also, one among us does not celebrate holidays, so we got to learn about how other cultures celebrate or don't celebrate holidays that are so indoctrinated into our culture. 


Then the kids learned some things that would be inspiring to someone who was sick and some things that people say and mean well, but often make the person feel worse. 


Finally, we made our cards, drank our coffee, and ate our sugary snacks. 

Teen Volunteers

Service in Spring



We are still in the planning phases, so if you have ideas, reach out and share! 


Some ideas we have are reading to bilingual preschoolers, cleaning up a park, creating Bright Blessings bags for tots (it's a secular organization, despite the religious sounding name) and we have a call in to Imaginon to see if they need any service. 

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